A Hearing Aid Fitting Process You Will Appreciate

AudioSense's hearing aid fitting and follow-up process involves customizing your hearing aids to meet your needs.

AudioSense Focuses on Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids to help you Reconnect with Your World!

We want your hearing aids to work for you and transform your quality of life, for the better.

  • This is the 1st item

  • This is the 2nd item

  • Hear better in noise

  • Hear better on the phone

  • Enjoy and appreciate music

  • Excel at work

  • Reconnect with your loved ones, your family, your friends, your peers

  • And much more...

The AudioSense Hearing Aid Fitting Process

Whether the hearing aid chosen is one that fits inside the ear or one that fits outside the ear, the fitting and follow-up schedule that we recommend at AudioSense Hearing Aid Clinic is typically the following:
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Fitting Appointment

This is when you get your hearing aids

You will be wearing your hearing aids for most of the day, so comfort is key! We will fit them on you to make sure that all the parts are the correct size for your ears to ensure a comfortable fit.

Sometimes, this appointment will be combined with your initial hearing test appointment if we have the particular hearing aid in stock. Other times it may be a separate appointment that we make for you anywhere between approximately 3 days to 1 week after the initial appointment, once the hearing aids have been ordered and received from the manufacturer.

During this appointment, we program your hearing aids using a measure called Real Ear, where we customize the programming according to your specific hearing loss and ear canal size. We also teach you how to use all the features, how to maintain and clean your device, etc… This appointment tends to run on the longer side – typically 1.5 hours.
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4-week Follow-up Appointment

This is your first follow-up appointment

We may sometimes recommend for this appointment to be earlier or later, depending on how things went during the Fitting appointment.

At this appointment, we further customize the fitting and programming of the hearing aids. If there is anything that you don’t like about your hearing aids or some sounds that you still struggle to hear, we can make changes to it based on your feedback.

This is a good time to ask questions or concerns or make complaints about the sounds you hearing with the hearing aids, as you’ll have had some time to get used to your hearing aids and figure out where gaps in hearing might still exist. We work with you to close those gaps.
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6-month Follow-up Appointment

Here we check-in and clean your hearing aids

YSimilar to the 4-week check, we ask you for any feedback about how you’ve been hearing and we can customize what you need, to help make the sound as perfect and comfortable as possible for most of your listening environments.
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12, 18 and 24-month Follow-up Appointments

Every six months we check your hearing levels and re-calibrate your hearing aids for your needs

During those appointments, we’ll typically do another hearing test, to make sure that your hearing levels haven’t changed. If they have, then we’ll re-program the hearing aids to re-customize them to your most recent hearing test results.

If your hearing hasn’t changed, then we can make further adjustments to the hearing aids based on your feedback, and those appointments tend to be check-ins.

At the 2-year check appointment, we do the same as at the Year 1 appointment and we’ll remind you of your option to purchase an extra year’s service and warranty package for your hearing aids if you haven’t already done so.