About Us

About AudioSense

AudioSense is a boutique hearing and balance clinic that provides quality audiological care in Yorkville, Toronto.

From the orange colour of the walls in our clinic, to the custom glass-enclosed soundbooth and the complimentary cappuccinos we offer to our clients, our premium services are customized to our patient's needs. All at affordable prices.

At AudioSense, we believe that a happy life starts with communication. Hearing allows us to Communicate. Communication allows us to Connect – with our families, with our peers, with our friends, with strangers, with our surroundings and with ourselves.

We believe that Hearing Health Care should be Holistic. When we think of hearing loss, we think of all of the other symptoms that come with this loss: “Difficulty understanding, difficulty with conversations.” “Everyone always seems to mumble.” “Hearing in noise is so challenging.” “The ringing in my ears won’t go away.” “Everything sounds hollow.” “My ears hurt. My head hurts.” “Participating in social activities is hard.” “Having a family dinner is now challenging.” “I’m tired, I’m frustrated.” “Others are frustrated.” “I feel off-balance sometimes.” “I get dizzy spells.” “The room is always spinning”, and the list goes on.

At AudioSense, we offer services to help with all of these symptoms, and we do this in a holistic way and with a personal touch, because we understand.

Strength and Experience is our forté. All of the services we provide are evidence-based. All of the work that we do is based on new and current research. We try to innovate where we can, educate and offer the best hearing and balance service.

Call us at 416-901-4770 or email us at info@audiosense.ca to book an appointment with our audiologists to hear better, regain your balance and connect with your world!