Dizziness and Balance Screening

Assessments for Dizziness (i.e., vertigo is a type of dizziness) and Balance difficulty are quite involved and may occur over the course of several appointments and even at several locations. At AudioSense, our balance assessments are called Bedside balance assessments.

Balance Screening Tests

The first step in the balance assessment is the hearing assessment. The organ of hearing and the organ of balance are connected in the brain. Thus, when one is affected, there is a good chance that the other will be affected too. For this reason, at AudioSense, no matter the balance issue that you describe, we always start with a complete Hearing assessment. The next step is to assess different aspects of your balance. Together, we will complete different screening tests to try to narrow in on the issue. Some of those tests will involve filling out a questionnaire on dizziness, and others will involve having the audiologist perform a number of visual tracking tests, walking tests and standing tests.

Dizziness and Balance Treatment

At AudioSense, when we think of assessing balance and improving balance, we are very cognizant that there are many different factors that can contribute to balance difficulties and dizziness. Some of these will fall within our scope of practice and when they do, we can help you. However, some balance difficulties may be beyond our scope. For this reason, at AudioSense, when we do a balance assessment with you, we always make it a point to inform you that we do not work in isolation of your other healthcare providers – this is because we see the best balance improvement outcomes when we use a team approach to how we treat you.