Hearing Loss Treatment Toronto
There are many different ways to treat hearing loss. No two hearing losses are the same, which means that no two treatment options will be the same. During your consultation with the audiologist, we will often ask you about your lifestyle and your work. This is because you need to hear the best that you can in all your listening environments, and we want to make sure that we accomplish your best for you, in terms of hearing.

At AudioSense, we customize all recommendations and treatments to fit your specific hearing loss and your specific needs.
Regardless of what treatment options we recommend, and you choose, we make it a point to work with you and to work with your circle of care. Your circle of care includes any health care professionals that you consult with, whose treatment is dependent on your hearing. Your family doctor or your ear nose and throat specialist (a.k.a., ENT, Otolaryngologist, Otologist), for example, are some of those people. We also make sure to communicate results and advocate on your behalf as needed, to help provide the appropriate accommodations at work, if you’re an adult, or at school, if you’re a child.
Hearing Loss Causes and Treatment
There is much that we can do to help you treat your hearing needs. Sometimes, the treatment that we recommend is a referral to ENT when we are concerned about external ear involvement, middle ear involvement or vestibular involvement. Other times, we might recommend imaging from your family doctor (i.e., MRI, CT scan, etc…) if we find any red flags in our testing that warrants further testing.
If there is wax in your ears that needs to be cleared, we can do that, right there and then, in the office for you. Read about the different ways that we can help clean out your ears of wax (i.e., cerumen) here.
If there is a hearing loss that requires hearing aids or implantable hearing aids (i.e., cochlear implant or bone anchored hearing aid), then we will make the appropriate recommendations and prescriptions for the hearing device.
If you’re exposed to noise at work or through your hobbies, we will recommend custom earplugs to protect your hearing from any noise-related damage. Read about custom earplugs here.
If you suffer from tinnitus (i.e., ringing in the ears) or hyperacusis (i.e., sensitivity to loud sounds) or misophonia (i.e., fear or sensitivity to specific sounds, even when they are not loud), then we will develop a rehabilitation plan and schedule for you, to allow us to work on these together and help you habituate to these sounds. Read about our tinnitus therapy options here.

Latest Treatment for Hearing Loss
Because hearing loss is so individualistic, what might work for one person, may not work for another. This is why it is so important for us to customize the treatment to meet your hearing needs and address your specific hearing complaints. This process requires compassion and dedication on our part to make sure that we work with you and for you. For this reason, at AudioSense, we make it a point to work at your pace. Sometimes, that will mean longer appointment times. Other times, it will mean several appointments. Whatever the case, we pride ourselves on putting service first and putting you first.
At AudioSense, all of the treatment options that we provide is evidence-based. This allows us to not only make treatment recommendations that are standard in our field, but it also gives us the tools to think outside the box when appropriate. We strive to be ahead of the curve in that way. Since our owner, Salima Jiwani, who is also our audiologist at the clinic, is a Ph.D. audiologist-scientist and adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, making sure that we bring clinical knowledge and research knowledge and skill to our patients is paramount to our patient care.